Picture this: A single mom unemployed, with no insurance, taking the bus to a job interview. These are some of the items she would need from her house to the job interview:

  • Watch

  • Walking shoes/sneakers

  • Tote bag

  • Umbrella

  • Pen

  • Day planner

  • Extra pair of hosiery

  • Hand lotion

  • Breath mints

  • Hygiene products, i.e.: toothbrush & toothpaste

Other items needed:

  • Mini Van

  • Garment Steamer

  • 12 Folding Chairs

  • Office Desk and Chair

  • Fax Machine

  • Xerox Paper

  • Postage stamps

  • Magazine subscriptions,

  • Ex: Working Mother, Parenting, Redbook, Essence, & O, The Oprah magazine

  • Gift certificate to a bookstore

  • Sam’s Club gift certificates

  • Billboard space